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Exploring Cuba’s Place in Solidarity, Humanitarianism and Cooperation
New Dimensions of Cuban Internationalism
International Journal of Cuban Studies Special Issue Theme:
New Dimensions of Cuban Internationalism: Exploring Cuba’s Place in Solidarity, Humanitarianism and Cooperation
Guest Editors:
Robert Huish,
Assistant Professor, International Development Studies, Dalhousie University
Sarah Blue
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Texas State University
Note: Please send your information to
Robert Huish huish@dal.ca
and copy to
Sarah Blue sblue@txstate.edu
Deadline for submission: TBC
We are looking for papers to be included in a special issue of the International Journal of Cuban Studies on new dimensions of Cuban Internationalism. Papers are welcome to engage the wide range of Cuban programs, initiatives, international partnerships, or informal networks that are shaping processes of politics, economics, and development notably in the global South. Themes may include, but are not limited to, Cuba’s international role in:
- Dimensions of health care outreach, cooperation, and remuneration
- Education partnerships aimed at literacy, and early childhood education.
- Internationalization of the consumption of Cuban culture (notably fine art and music)
- Routes and changes of migration streams, notably in South America
- Emerging or current business cooperation and the broader impact into Cuba’s economic landscape
- Potential scientific collaborations with research centres in the global North and the global South.
- Changing dynamics of political alliances, and networks of solidarity. Particular interest to ALBA, COMECON, and UN committees are valued
- Exploration of Cuba’s elite sport cooperation and the place of sport within humanitarian brigades.
- Exploration of Cuban involvement in comprehensive development strategies in marginalized communities.
- Emerging relationships of security partnerships and cooperation, notably exchanges with Cuba’s military
- The place of Cuban tourism within the global market, and exploration of changes to U.S. travel to Cuba.
- other topics are also welcome.
Authors are particularly invited to position their papers around the question of how their topic factors into Cuba’s broader association with other countries in the global South. We are particularly interested in research that illuminates the transformative effects of Cuban Internationalism within resource poor countries in the global South, as well as the dimensions of partnerships with affluent nations. The goal of this special issue will be to better understand the dynamic scope of Cuban internationalism, the connections between particular initiatives, and any transformative processes and impacts that result for Cubans, the Cuban Government, and partnering countries.
Guidelines for the submission of articles
The journal welcomes the submission of academic articles in Spanish or English on any aspect related to Cuba, provided that they adhere to the aims and scope of the journal.
Articles should be original and not under consideration by any other publication. Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission to publish, in both print and electronic media, material for which they do not hold the copyright.
Articles should be between 3000 and 4500 words in length excluding footnotes and references. (5000 words maximum).
All Spanish language articles will be published in English. Because the IJCS used to operate on an open access basis, editorial resources are limited at present and we are able to translate only one article per issue. Contributors should provide, where possible, an English translation of their articles.
The journal aims for rigour and relevance. We wish to encourage a wide readership and to facilitate connections between academic disciplines. We are therefore interested in innovative articles that are written in a clear, accessible style with objective arguments that are evidence-based. Without compromising on academic rigour, contributors are requested to limit the use of specialised terminology to the essential. For the submission, please employ endnotes rather than footnotes. Endnotes should be numbered consecutively and kept to a minimum both in number and length. Bibliographical references should be checked for accuracy. Style guides can be found at: cubanstudies.plutojournals.org
Contributions should be formatted as A4 Microsoft Word files (Mac files must be converted), double-spaced and with ample margins. All pages, including those containing only tables and figures, should be numbered consecutively. A clear legible font should be used.
Title document
The following information should be provided in a separate document: the title of the article; an abstract of 150 words; a list of 5 or 6 keywords.
Biographical information
In a separate document send us a short biographical note including: the author’s name and current affiliation as they should appear in the journal, mailing and e-mail addresses, and day-time telephone number; details of your main appointment or position and the institution for which you work; a brief note indicating your most important publications and current research interests; any relevant website links.
Tables and figures (charts, graphs, or other artwork)
It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission to reproduce any illustrations that may be subject to copyright, and sources should be indicated appropriately in the accompanying captions. The use of figures (diagrams, charts, graphs) and tables should be kept to a minimum, with only essential data presented. Each should be numbered consecutively, titled, and mentioned in the main text. Tables must contain editable text. Figures should be supplied as separate *editable* files where possible (preferably in EPS, Illustrator or Excel format) and not in colour. Picture files or jpegs are unsuitable for figures, but can be supplied for photographs if they are of good quality.
The editors reserve the right to copyedit all articles accepted for publication. Proofs will be sent by email to the authors only if essential corrections need to be made.
Peer Review
All academic articles will be reviewed anonymously by two peer reviewers, one of whom will be a specialist in the same field as that of the article. Authors should provide suggestions for two referees but must not inform the referees that they have been suggested in order to maintain anonymity. These recommendations may or may not be used.
The journal will be published online and in print. Authors will be asked to transfer copyright of the article for the full period of copyright to the International Institute for the Study of Cuba. Authors will receive a Copyright Form for signature upon the acceptance of the article for publication.